Volunteering at St. Cecilia:
Safe Environment Compliance



The Diocese’s Safe Environment policies can be found here.

All NEW volunteers (meaning, never volunteered and had Safe Environment Training in the Diocese of Dallas) must complete a screening form, found here. Para español, haz clic aquí.

Once the screening form is complete, and the candidate has all necessary reference/background checks, all new volunteers will need to take a class at the parish OR another parish/school in the Diocese. After the class, an in-person interview will be completed. Contact parishadmin@stceciliadallas.org to find a class and schedule an interview at the parish.

Returning volunteers will be able to take a renewal class online by checking the “My Obligations” tab when they log into the system here. Returning volunteers can also take classes in person. Volunteers from another parish/school can ask the Safe Environment Coordinator of that parish/school to share your profile with St. Cecilia Catholic School.